Social Media Advertising / Management Services

Get More Traffic & More Conversions

Drive Traffic, Boost Sales, and Elevate Conversions with Expert Social Media Advertising

Social Media Advertising Services

Ideal for: Schools looking for a balanced approach to social media management with consistent engagement and advertising.

Social Media Profiles Setup
$ 90/ monthly

Social Media Profiles Setup

  • Creation and optimization of profiles on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Professional branding across all platforms.

Content Creation

  • 20 high-quality posts per month.
  • Includes graphics, photos, videos, and detailed captions.
  • Diverse content strategy focusing on school life, student achievements, events, and educational content.


  • Monitoring and responding to comments and messages within 12 hours.
  • Active engagement strategy to foster community interaction and positive sentiment.

Monthly Analytics Report

  • Detailed performance report including growth, engagement, and strategic insights.
  • Analysis of follower demographics, post performance, and engagement trends.


  • monthly ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Targeted ads to increase visibility and attract potential students.

How much do Social Media Advertising
Services Cost?

Social media advertising costs are based on two things. First, your ad budget. Second, the cost of your time. Our services are here
to provide you with expert help by optimizing your social media ad campaigns and saving you time to do so. That’s a double win
for you.

Social Media Advertising Services:Our

Assign an Experienced Social Media Manager to your Account

A social media manager with advertising experience will help you decrease costs and increase results. We will assign an ad specialist on our staff to run your advertisements on these social media channels. This person will learn your business, develop an advertising strategy, and execute it.

Develop a Real Advertising Strategy

Don’t spend another dollar until you have a social media advertising strategy. We will develop a clear and concise ad strategy for your business. It will include proven advertising funnels to show you how we plan on converting strangers into website traffic and conversions.

Create Engaging Advertisements

Launch ads that people actually want to click on. Our marketing agency’s ad specialists will write your ad copy, headlines, and develop images for your campaign. We will also A/B split test your advertisements to identify which ads are driving the most results.

Monitor Your Ads and Optimize

Identify low-performing areas of your ad campaigns fast. We will keep an eye on your campaign daily on your chosen social media networks. If results begin to decline, we will detect it immediately and pause low-performing ads. In addition, we can launch new ads to keep the results coming in.

Reporting and Communication

Understand how your social media advertisements are performing. Your ad specialist will prepare reports for you to review on a monthly or biweekly basis. In addition, we will install conversion tracking on your advertisements. This will report the amount of conversions we are generating with our social media advertising services.

Frequently Asked Questions


What type of results can I expect?

You will see your followers, engagement, website traffic and conversions increasing monthly.

How much do social media advertising services cost?

Our social media advertising services range from $650 to $2,500 a month.

How many conversions can I expect?

The amount of conversions you can expect will vary. We’ll track the amount of conversions from our ads. This will allow us to use performance data of our ad campaigns to make gradual improvements.

How much do I need to spend to advertise on social media platforms?

You need to spend a minimum of $150 a month in ad spend, but we recommend our clients to consider the average lifetime value of a customer for their business. Once you understand this, identify the maximum you are willing to spend to acquire one customer.

Contract & Setup Fees

How long are the contracts?

We offer initial contract terms of 3 months. After the initial contract term is complete, your account will be serviced on a month-to-month basis.

Are there any setup fees?

There is a one-time setup fee.

How long does it take to get started?

Once you’ve contacted us and approved our proposal for you, we will send you a contract and get your campaign started asap.

Services & Working Together

Who will be working on my account?

You will be assigned a dedicated and experienced Account Manager who will oversee your campaign and be your main point of contact.

How will you learn about my business?

We will learn about your business by sending you an in-depth questionnaire to complete and by speaking with you in an onboarding call.

How long does it take to get started?

We will create ads that fit your business by examining your questionnaire, brand guide and any other material you give us.

Do I have to provide you with content for advertisements?

No, you do not have to provide us with content. If you have content, however, we are happy to use it.

Will you monitor the ad campaign to make sure we do not waste any money?

Yes, your Account Manager will monitor your advertising campaigns daily. If ads are not performing well, we will make adjustments to your campaign.

How is social media used for advertising?

Social media advertising is where paid ads are placed on social media platforms to reach a target demographic. Sellers can advertise their brand through social media to promote sales.

What are the benefits of social media advertising?

The benefits of social media advertising include increased brand recognition, conversion rates, low cost advertising and user-friendly connections.

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