Short Video

Explosive Views That Drive Sales
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The #1 Short Video Management Services for Small Businesses Looking To Scale

Watch your views, brand awareness and customers explode with short video management services! We help our small business clients use short form video content to see massive follower growth, engagement and brand exposure. Our team is on top of all the latest trends and knows how to help businesses leverage short videos like TikToks, Instagram Reels and Facebook Reels effectively.

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Experience Viral Views & Brand Awareness With Our Short Video Marketing Services

We’ve driven millions of views with our short video management services. Our aim is to drive views that turn into followers and eventually customers for your business, and that’s why organic short videos are included with our social media marketing services.


Vertical Videos

Instagram & TikTok

12 Posts Per Month (3x per week)

Page Monitoring & Responding to Activity

Best Practice: $150 Ad Spend Per Platform

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Vertical Videos

Instagram & TikTok

20 Posts Per Month (5x per week)

Page Monitoring & Responding to Activity

Best Practice: $150 Ad Spend Per Platform

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Vertical Videos

Instagram & TikTok


Page Monitoring & Responding to Activity

Best Practice: Custom

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How Our Short Video Marketing Services Help Small Businesses Grow

Generate Massive Waves of Brand Awareness

Viral Video Views

More Followers

Engage New Followers

More Comments Likes & Shares

Increased Watch Times

Turn Nurtured Followers Into Customers

Organic Website Traffic

New Customers

Check out the various short video marketing platforms and choose which one would be best for your specific business!

Facebook Video Marketing Services


Reach your audience by the masses with our custom-made reels on the biggest social media platform
Grab viewers’ attention and create positive brand awareness with Facebook reels made just for your target audience

Facebook is the biggest social media platform, which can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, you have huge access to your target market, but on the other hand, you have a lot of noise to cut through to reach them. Our team will create Facebook Reels that rise above the rest and reach the right audience for your brand.

Instagram Video Management Services


Generate high customer engagement with Instagram Reels created for your unique audience and their pain points
Convert viewers into followers and customers at a higher rate with our team’s full-funnel short video marketing strategies

Instagram has one of the highest brand-consumer engagement rates of all the social media platforms. Our team will help you capitalize on that with Instagram Reels that speak directly to your target market. We’ll publish Reels that your audience will love and look forward to, building a loyal following of potential customers that we can retarget with our short video advertising services.

TikTok Management Services


Drive new followers from the Gen Z, Millennials and Gen X generations with our team’s short video management strategies & TikToks made just for your brand
Set your brand apart from the competition with trending TikToks made by our team that provide value to your audience

There are thousands of nuanced trends that pop up every day that are unique to TikTok. Our team will help you take advantage of those trends for maximum brand awareness while still providing value to your audience. Our short video strategy will place you above your competition and position your brand as one that your followers can rely on and trust for the product you service you offer.

The Best Short Video Marketing Services To Drive New Viewers & Customers For Your Brand

3 Million+ Views from Short Form Content

We have generated over 3 million views and counting for our clients from our short form video management services. This is a direct result of the in-depth research we perform on every client and their market to know in advance what kind of content needs to be created to drive the results we’re looking for.

1 Billion+ Post Engagements Generated for Our Clients

We don’t just publish videos. We publish videos that get engagement! We get your target audience involved with likes, comments and shares for maximum brand recall. We’ve driven more than 1 billion post engagements for our clients because engaged followers are what lead to engaged customers.

$272M+ in Revenue Garnered for Our Clients

We’ve driven more than $272 million in revenue for our clients. Our short video marketing services are best paired with our social media advertising services to make sure you’re capitalizing on the organic views and engagement you’re getting from short videos and sending them to your website to convert.

The LYFE Marketing Short Video Marketing Process


In-Depth Research of Your Target Customer

Before we start creating new videos for your brand, we first perform extensive research to understand everything there is to know about your target audience. The more we understand what motivates their purchasing decisions around your product or service, the better we can create content that drives them to become longtime followers and customers of your brand.


Competitor Analysis

The second thing we look at is your list of competitors. We want to know what they’re doing well and what they’re doing poorly online. We also want to know how your shared target market is currently responding to their short video content. All of this information will help guide us in the creation of our strategy for your short videos.


Create Short Videos That Capture & Convert Your Audience

Once we’re armored with the necessary research, we’ll create short videos that resonate with your audience. Our videos are built to hook viewers in the first 3 seconds or less. We’ll attract the right audience by creating value-packed videos that build trust in your brand. Our videos will increase your followers and engagement with the goal of ultimately increasing customers.


Ongoing Optimization

We create monthly reports for our clients, which means every 30 days we are looking at the past month’s data from our marketing efforts. We’ll determine what’s working well and what needs to be adjusted for maximum results the following month. We are always looking to improve our clients’ campaigns month over month.

Why Businesses Choose Our Short Video Marketing Services Over Others’

3,000, 000+ Views Generated for Small Businesses

LYFE Marketing

check. We have driven more than 3 million views for our clients because we don’t just publish videos for the sake of publishing them. We publish researched, intentional content and optimize it so that it gets seen by the right audience.

Other Agencies

x-mark. Publish videos with mediocre and/or inconsistent views.

In-House Team

x-mark. Has not driven millions views for any brand before

Brand New Short Videos Made Just For Your Target Market

check. We don’t re-use the same videos over and over for our clients. We create fresh new videos based on your specific brand, target market and industry.

x-mark. Regurgitate the same videos across multiple client campaigns

x-mark. Doesn’t have access to the same tools agencies do to perform in-depth market research to start with

Trusted by Marcus Lemonis from CNCB’s The Profit to Grow His Client’s Business

checkk. LYFE Marketing was picked by Marcus Lemonis on CNBC’s The Profit as the best agency to scale his client’s business

x-mark. Have not been featured on the hit show The Profit

x-mark. Has not been featured on the hit show The Profit

Proactive & Transparent Monthly Reports

checkk. We provide monthly reports that are easy to understand and include next steps on what we’re going to do different based on the data from the previous month

x-mark. Either don’t offer monthly reports or the reports are hard to follow

x-mark. Does not have access to the same in-depth reporting tools agencies have

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